Want to Raise Successful Kids? Science Says Do These 7 Things Every Day

“We are what we repeatedly do,” said Aristotle. “Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” It’s true, whether we’re talking about ourselves our children.

Recently, we explored how wealthy parents give their kids a giant advantage, simply by raising them in (more...)

2019-03-02T05:05:17-08:00June 3rd, 2016|Family Bank Game|Comments Off on Want to Raise Successful Kids? Science Says Do These 7 Things Every Day

7 Habits of Debt-Free Families

As more and more American families find their financial goals stymied by overwhelming debt, there is a debt-free movement gaining momentum. Millions of people have begun breaking the cycle of consumer debt in recent years, but it’s American children who (more...)

2019-03-02T05:05:19-08:00May 24th, 2016|Family Bank Game|Comments Off on 7 Habits of Debt-Free Families
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